Here's a quick video I decided to take on one of the few last days in our old house. It is a video of me and my Dad throwing away amounts of junk that we need to get rid of before the big move in 2 days.
Brief history is we've lived at this house for 26-28 years, and now we're finally moving to a brand new house in Langley, BC. It is well deserved for my parents and I feel that they deserve this after all these years.
I hope to keep you all updated regularly and more consistently, and maybe get other members posting to this blog as well. I might be purchasing a DSLR very soon, either Nikon D60 or Canon Rebel XSI (however, the XSI puts me over my budget these days). ;) I'd love to post the pictures of the new home!
More to come soon!
The Garces Family in Vancouver