Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Gerrie's Birthday 2008

Here are some pictures from Gerrie's Birthday Dinner. Happy Birthday Gerrie!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

My Hidden Talent

Thought I'd just do a random post, so I'll post this. Here's me working on some choreography in a friends local Dance Studio in Vancouver.

Yay, that's me at the very left about to bust out some crazy fly move! LOL!

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Random Vidbit's

Elijah and his motor skills. He calls his Grandpa, Pappy, by the way. In this clip, he says " Pappy go home", after a long day of Grandpa babysitting him and Sophia.

Sorry for the lack of updates - such a busy time in a busy year, slowing down to make the time in between more enjoyable.